Keywords: publishing enterprises, martial law, marketing, marketing product policy


Marketing product policy plays a key role in the activities of publishing enterprises, enabling them to effectively position their products in the market. In conditions of high competition and rapid changes in consumer preferences, a clearly defined product policy allows publications to create unique offerings that differentiate them from competitors. This contributes to attracting the target audience and strengthening the brand, which is an important aspect for successful functioning in the market. The aim of the study is to characterize the features of the marketing product policy of publishing enterprises during war. The main task set within this article concerns characterizing the key principles of the influence of the marketing product policy of publishing enterprises on the formation of their survival and security development strategies. It has been proven that the marketing product policy of a publishing enterprise is the foundation of its development strategy, aimed at satisfying the needs of readers and achieving competitive advantages in the publishing services market. Key changes in the marketing product policy of publishing enterprises as a result of the implementation of martial law have been characterized. It has been established that war has prompted the active use of digital platforms to ensure product accessibility, as traditional distribution channels could be disrupted. The full-scale war has significantly affected publishing enterprises, creating numerous challenges and forcing them to adapt to new conditions. On the one hand, military actions led to disruptions in the supply of printing materials and logistical services, complicating production processes and increasing costs. On the other hand, changes in the socio-political situation led to the reorientation of content towards patriotic themes, historical events, and the informational needs of society. The marketing product policy of a publishing enterprise is crucial because it directly influences the success and sustainability of the business. This policy encompasses the selection, development, and management of products (such as books, journals, magazines, or digital content) that the enterprise offers.


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How to Cite
Homolska, V. (2024). FEATURES OF MARKETING PRODUCT POLICY OF PUBLISHING ENTERPRISES DURING WAR: SURVIVAL AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES. Economy and Society, (67). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-67-29