Keywords: corporate social responsibility, business, factors, consumer market, industrial market, national model


The processes of globalization and integration of the economic environment actualize the issues of the phenomenon of corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is positioned as a management approach that promotes corporate sustainability and serves as a determinant of a company's influence on the effectiveness of implementation of the principles of sustainable social development. The development of the concept of social responsibility is related to the need to maximize the company's positive impact on society through the implementation of the organization's strategy of interaction with stakeholders. The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of corporate social responsibility in the consumer (B2C) and industrial (B2B) markets. The author examines approaches to defining the definition of “corporate social responsibility”, the limits of its impact on aspects of corporate sustainability, and the categorization of initiatives within CSR. The most common modern approaches to the development of the phenomenon of corporate social responsibility are allocated. A comparative analysis of national models of corporate social responsibility by the level of participation of state formations in the processes of socialization of entrepreneurial activity is carried out. The main types of social responsibility and aspects of their practical manifestation are studied. It is substantiated that corporate social responsibility initiatives are differentiated in a four-vector categorization. Among all the factors that influence the formation and development of corporate social responsibility, the factors of action and factors of provision are allocated. The study proves that corporate social responsibility can significantly contribute to the competitiveness of an enterprise. It is substantiated that social responsibility of enterprises is becoming mandatory for business, since modern trends in the development of public consciousness require appropriate changes in the strategy of companies.


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