Keywords: investment activity, environmental management, diversification, public budgets, public-private partnerships, current environmental expenditures


It is substantiated that investment activity in the field of nature management is characterized by numerous features related to the fact that a significant part of natural resource assets is in state ownership. That imposes institutional restrictions on the circulation of such assets, as well as on the forms of their redistribution. It has been established that one of the main determinants of the activation of investment activity in the field of nature management is the prevention of the processes of wasteful use of natural raw materials and environmental pollution, which requires the modernization of the infrastructure and the material and technical base of economic development of natural resource potential and environmental protection. Studies have shown that the main financial prerequisites for improving the system of investment activity in the field of nature management are: an overly narrow range of methods for stimulating the investment activity of nature users; a highly unified set of sources of investment support for the implementation of natural resource and nature protection projects; the formal nature of budget-fiscal decentralization in the field of inter-budgetary distribution of rent and fees for the use of other natural resources and environmental tax; residual principle of public financing of nature exploitation and nature protection activities; the absence of a transparent mechanism for the target linking of resource and environmental payments accumulated in public budget funds to the financing of projects to rationalize the use of natural resources and green the environment; slow implementation of the best foreign practices in the application of investment mechanisms of low-carbon development projects and projects of ecological reengineering and recycling of secondary natural raw materials. It has been proven that a necessary component of institutional, instrumental-methodological and resource support for investment activities in the field of nature management is the justification of priorities for investment support for development projects in the natural resource and nature protection sectors. It is substantiated that the following are the main groups of regulatory methods and instruments, in particular, stimulating investment activities in the field of nature management: budget-tax, monetary-credit, restitution-compensation, price, and mortgage-property. It has been proven that in the border regions of Ukraine with the EU, an effective form of investment support for the implementation of natural resource and nature protection projects is cross-border cooperation, which will make it possible to use the European practice of financing projects for the preservation of natural heritage and ensure a positive cumulative effect in the field of nature management.


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