The article is devoted to the study of the role of production logistics in the processes of restoration of cattle breeding in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine. The main logistical challenges that arise during the restoration of agro-industrial production, in particular, in the field of animal husbandry, are considered. The key stages of the logistics chain are analyzed — from the supply of feed and veterinary drugs to the transportation of livestock and finished products. Special attention is paid to the issues of infrastructural support, logistical planning, as well as the role of state support and international aid in the restoration of the agricultural sector in the liberated territories. The article proposes ways to improve the efficiency of logistics processes in the field of cattle breeding, which will contribute to the faster stabilization of the regional economy and ensuring the country's food security. The logistical concept of organizing modern production in livestock complexes, which is planned for restoration in the de-occupied territories, is based on the integration of logistics processes in order to ensure the efficiency, stability and competitiveness of the production of livestock products after the occupation. The key elements of this concept are strategic planning, operational management of material flows and their optimization, use of modern technologies and innovations, consideration of safety aspects and risk management, sustainable production, environmental responsibility, monitoring and quality control, personnel development, social factors. Effective production logistics is a key element in the restoration of cattle breeding in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine. It helps to organize an uninterrupted flow of resources, optimize production processes, ensure compliance with sanitary standards and contributes to the stable development of the agricultural sector. Integration of the latest technologies, automation and digitization of processes, as well as support from the state and international organizations will help restore production faster and ensure sustainable development of the industry.
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