The article substantiates that in the conditions of modern risks niche crops play a significant role in the diversification of agribusiness. This statement becomes more relevant in the context of climate changes, which primarily cause long and severe droughts in Ukraine. The economic value of such a niche grain crop as millet is briefly characterized. It is noted that for agricultural producers, growing millet means a short payback period and an optimal ratio of the level of costs and the level of profitability. The geography of crops of this crop on the territory of Ukraine is presented. It was revealed that, due to climatic changes, millet in Ukraine, which until recently was grown in the Steppe, as of the beginning of the 20s of the XXI century. began to be introduced into crop rotations in the agrarian farms of the Forest Steppe and Polissia as a fodder crop. The dynamics of millet production in Ukraine were analyzed in terms of such indicators as gross harvests, sown areas and yields in terms of the main commodity producers. During the analysis of the yield of millet, it was found that during 2019-2023 it increased by 27.6% in farms of all categories, including enterprises and households. The analysis proved that even in the turbulent conditions of wartime, agricultural enterprises increased the acreage under rye and achieved an increase in the yield of the crop. It was also found that the production of millet in the farms of Ukraine is characterized by positive dynamics. In general, along with a slight reduction in acreage, agrarians achieve an increase in yield and gross crop yields, even under martial law. It was concluded that for many agricultural producers, the niche culture of millet is an effective multifunctional alternative to traditional cereals. This is explained by a number of properties of millet, for example: high resistance to droughts, undemanding to soils, short growing season, stable yield and economic benefit. It was found that the economic feasibility of the development of millet production is largely determined by the stable demand for it, in particular on foreign markets. The profitability of millet production in Ukraine was analyzed and a number of factors that ensure the economic efficiency of its production were determined.
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