The relevance of the topic is due to the growing interest in rural tourism, which not only contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage and traditions, but also acts as an important factor in regional development, attracting investment and improving living conditions in rural areas. One of the crucial factors for the successful development of rural tourism is the state of infrastructure, which includes not only transportation routes and utilities, but also information technology, tourist facilities, and the improvement of settlements. The purpose of the article is to investigate the state of the infrastructure of rural areas and justify its significance for the development of rural tourism. In the process of research, the following methods were used: scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, observation and comparison, empirical, rows of dynamics, averages and others. As a result of the conducted research, it was determined that it is impossible to develop tourism, including rural tourism, without an appropriately prepared infrastructure. It is important for a tourist that the elements of rural tourism infrastructure meet his hopes and expectations. However, in many rural areas of Ukraine, the infrastructure remains underdeveloped compared to the urban level, which restrains the active development of rural tourism. The need for infrastructure development is justified by the fact that it contributes to the sustainable development of rural areas, increases the level of competitiveness, activates entrepreneurial activity, improves living conditions for the local population and tourists, ensures an increase in tourist flows and, as a result, the development of rural green tourism. The article can serve as a practical basis for the implementation of various projects related to the development of rural areas, through the stimulation of rural green tourism by improving infrastructure. In other words, the provided research and analysis can help local authorities, entrepreneurs and communities in the formation of strategic approaches to the modernization of rural areas.
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