Keywords: venture, capital, investment, enterprise, investment funds


The article examines the main directions of development of venture capital investments in Ukraine with an emphasis on innovative industries, such as technological startups, the agricultural sector, financial technologies (fintech) and biotechnology. The dynamics of attracting capital to these sectors were analyzed, considering both internal and external factors affecting investment activity. In particular, the challenges facing the Ukrainian venture capital market are highlighted, including economic instability, legal restrictions and significant risks for investors. At the same time, emphasis is placed on positive aspects, such as the growing role of venture capital funds in supporting innovative companies and the potential for international cooperation. It was found that Ukraine demonstrates certain successes in attracting venture capital investments, especially in the fields of information technology and agricultural technology. However, constant fluctuations in the economic situation and insufficient legal support continue to create obstacles for the stable growth of this market. Legal restrictions, such as uncertainty in the field of intellectual property, as well as the complexity of regulating the activities of investors and startups, reduce investor confidence in the Ukrainian market. The study is particularly important, as it allows for a deeper understanding of the peculiarities of the formation of the venture capital market in Ukraine and allows better forecasting of its further development. The article presents a detailed analysis of risks and opportunities for investors planning to invest in Ukrainian startups, and also identifies a number of factors that can become catalysts for further growth in investment activity. For example, improving the infrastructure for start-ups and creating attractive conditions for attracting foreign capital. In particular, specific recommendations are offered to improve the investment climate in Ukraine. Among them: improvement of the regulatory framework for the protection of investors and startups, stimulation of international cooperation and attraction of foreign investments. The proposed strategies can help increase confidence in the Ukrainian venture market, which will allow it to integrate into global innovation ecosystems. This study will be useful not only for venture investors and entrepreneurs, but also for government officials and politicians who seek to support the development of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Recommendations on regulatory changes and the development of the startup ecosystem can become the basis for creating favorable conditions for attracting investment, which will contribute to the economic growth of the country and increase its role in the global market.


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