The article reflects the importance of implementing HR information systems (HRIS) in modern enterprises to optimize HR management processes, which is a key factor in the effective functioning of any organization. HRIS has been proven to automate routine processes such as payroll, time accounting, vacation management, which significantly reduces time spent and minimizes the possibility of errors associated with manual data entry. Integration of HRIS with the general information system of the enterprise provides an opportunity to receive up-to-date information about the state of personnel, increasing the accuracy of managerial decision-making. Modern HRM systems, such as SAP SuccessFactors, Workday, Oracle HCM Cloud, have been analyzed, and attention has been focused on their role in facilitating labor management, planning training, employee development, and monitoring labor efficiency. In particular, HRM systems help managers quickly track key performance indicators, evaluate staff and implement motivation and personnel development programs. This helps to reduce staff turnover and increase employee involvement in the company's processes. The article analyzes the trends of HRIS implementation both in the world and in Ukraine. In particular, it was emphasized that the global market for HRM systems demonstrates rapid growth, as enterprises realize the importance of digitalization of personnel management processes. The impact of HRM-systems on labor productivity is analyzed, it is proved that automation of routine tasks allows managers and HR-managers to focus on strategic aspects of management, such as talent development, building personnel reserves and career planning. HRIS also contributes to improved interaction between employees and managers through the possibility of feedback and automated systems for assessing performance. The article highlights the importance of HRIS integration with the general information systems of enterprises, which allows ensuring synchronization of HR processes with financial, logistics and production processes. This creates a unified information environment that increases the efficiency of the entire organization and contributes to the implementation of business strategies.
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