The article is devoted to topical issues of the impact of digital technologies on the environmental sustainability of maritime transport enterprises. In recent years, the world has faced unprecedented economic growth, which has required significant resources and contributed to improved living conditions in various countries. However, the results of this growth are unevenly distributed: billions of people continue to live in extreme poverty, and pressure on the environment persists. This situation raises critical questions about equity, sustainability, and the future of our planet. Global resources such as water, air, and the biosphere have been viewed as common goods without specific owners, allowing them to be used freely for production and waste disposal. This lack of accountability has led to overexploitation and degradation of these vital resources. Since producers and consumers do not bear the costs associated with using these resources, traditional models of production and consumption become environmentally unsustainable. The transition from the traditional model of economic growth to a «green» growth model can facilitate the achievement of sustainable economic development, ensuring a high level of employment and fair income distribution without causing irreparable harm to the environment and biodiversity. This model emphasizes innovation, resource efficiency, and the use of renewable energy sources, which are crucial for long-term sustainability. The concept of «green» growth suggests that the goals of economic growth can be compatible with the objectives of distribution and environmental protection. By investing in sustainable practices, countries can create resilient economies that are better equipped to handle the challenges posed by climate change and resource scarcity. «Green» growth can be viewed as one of the mechanisms employed to achieve sustainable development goals, fostering a harmonious balance between economic progress and environmental stewardship. As we progress, it is crucial for governments, businesses, and communities to work together in developing policies and practices that promote a sustainable future. Through collective action, we can ensure that economic development is inclusive, equitable, and environmentally responsible.
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Evripidis P. Kechagias, Georgios Chatzistelios, Georgios A. Papadopoulos, Panagiotis Apostolou, Digital transformation of the maritime industry: A cybersecurity systemic approach, International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, Volume 37, 2022, 100526. DOI:
Gavalas, Dimitris, Syriopoulos, T. & Roumpis E. Digital adoption and efciency in the maritime industry. J. shipp. trd. 7, 11 (2022). DOI:
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Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius, Ceren Altuntas Vural, Mikael Lind, Digital transformation of maritime logistics: Exploring trends in the liner shipping segment, Computers in Industry, Volume 145, 2023, 103811, ISSN 0166-3615, DOI:
Yarova Nina, Baryshnikova Vira, Moskalenko Dmytro & Nikiforov Vyacheslav. Development of container transportation on the danube: current trends // Challenges and problems of modern science. Proceedings of the XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference. London, United Kingdom. 2023. Pp. 12–15. Available at:
Copyright (c) 2024 Ніна Ярова, Ольга Воркунова

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