In the conditions of constant development of the economic potential of the world's leading countries and economic relations, the labor market occupies an important place. Considering the essence of the labor market, we can say that the labor market is one of the most important elements of the economic system of every country, the well-being of the country, the stability of society, and the effectiveness of socio-economic relations and transformations directly depend on its functioning. The main reasons for changes in population size lie in economic and political aspects and are closely related to demographic processes. The decrease in the population is caused by the following factors: a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in mortality, increased migration, as well as a deterioration in the level of well-being of citizens. The military situation in the country has a special influence on the population and migration processes. In state regulation of the labor market, there has always been and remains an urgent need to obtain the most complete information about its state, as well as economic, social, demographic and other processes. Therefore, the effective functioning of the labor market is a strategic priority of the state administration. This requires reviewing and updating its content, sources and their components, object-subject interaction, processes of data formation and processing, as well as the security of these data, which are the basis for the provision of social services and the implementation of state employment policy. Information is one of the most discussed topics in scientific circles, because its meaning varies depending on different fields of human activity and areas of application. However, at the moment, information provision of labor market regulation has not been studied from the point of view of a resource system capable of providing comprehensive information and analytical support to all processes in this market. Therefore, there is a need for a scientifically based understanding of the role and content of labor market information support, its sources, structure and development trends, as well as its significance among labor market regulation mechanisms. Also, this information should serve as a basis for determining the need to create, expand, or reduce the volume of state-ordered vocational training programs in general or within the agricultural industry. Decisions of this kind must be taken carefully, as they affect educational programs both in the region and at the local level. Sometimes the size and nature of the training program within the area depends on the availability of potential trainees, while the employment opportunities for graduates are in another area or even in another region. Under these circumstances, information about both the local and regional labor market is needed. It is necessary to use modern information and communication technologies more widely for collecting, analyzing and disseminating information. More advanced software, especially rational databases, allow multiple data sources to be combined and analyzed in ways not previously available. The use of modern information and communication technologies also makes it much easier to update automated databases when new information is received. As a result, information about the labor market is generated and disseminated much faster than before, for example, via the Internet.
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