The article is devoted to the topical issues of interpreting the definition of “digital transformation”. Approaches to the interpretation of the category “digital transformation” are analyzed. It is found that in most scientific works the definition of “digital transformation” is considered in the context of the specifics of certain types of activities, spheres of human life and directions of society development. It is noted that such an approach does not allow focusing directly on the main elements of digital transformation and the logic of their interconnection. The author emphasizes that in the academic community it is generally accepted that a dictionary or commonly used definition is not sufficient for scientific research, due to the complexity of developing a theory of digital transformation, identifying and verifying the relationships between its elements, and developing research algorithms based on what has been done before. It is noted that under such conditions, the possibility of developing recommendations for the implementation and use of digital transformation in practice is hampered. Ambiguity in the interpretation of the definition of “digital transformation” in both academic and practical communities leads to a misunderstanding of the essence of this phenomenon. Despite the complexity and diverse interpretation of the definition of “digital transformation”, it is necessary to come to a single definition of digital transformation. The purpose of the article is to analyze the approaches to the interpretation of the definition of “digital transformation” and to formulate the author's own. The author emphasizes that the definition of “digital transformation” consists of two parts – “digital” and “transformation”. In other words, these are changes which are caused by “digital”, i.e. encoding of information into a form which is processed by means of information and communication technologies. Therefore, the author proposes the author's own approach to the definition of “digital transformation”, namely, digital transformation is a change caused by the introduction and use of digital (information and communication) technologies. It is noted that digital technologies are not the goal of digital transformation, but rather a means to achieve certain goals, solve tasks, etc. Prospects for further research are to study the foreign experience of digital transformation of small agribusiness and to identify the problem of its implementation in Ukraine.
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