Introduction. The article considers certain aspects of personnel risk management in the furniture sector in the post-war period. The main reasons hindering the furniture business were identified and it was found that the biggest problem is the lack of qualified workers. It has been investigated that short-term and free special courses for the training of highly qualified workers with their subsequent employment can be attributed to the prospects of increasing the personnel potential of Ukraine in the furniture industry in the post-war period. Goal. The main goal of this study is to carry out a comprehensive and comprehensive analysis of the existing situation in the labor market and study the possibilities of overcoming the "personnel hunger" in the furniture sector of Ukraine thanks to retraining projects. Materials and methods. In order to increase the personnel potential of Ukraine's furniture industry, the Ukrainian Association of Furniture Makers has concluded a partnership agreement on competitiveness with the managers of furniture enterprises. The project is implemented within the framework of the USAID "Competitive Economy of Ukraine" Program and is aimed at helping Ukrainian furniture manufacturers create and fill new jobs by providing technical assistance for the participation of furniture makers in the "Super Employer" training course. The "Super Employer" training course is a special course to help Ukrainian furniture makers increase their attractiveness to potential employees and fill new jobs. The results. The article, based on the conducted analysis, found that every producer of the furniture industry within the framework of this project, in addition to participating in the "super employer" training course, will be able to establish business contacts with graduates of the "School of Furniture Maker" training center, which trains machine tool operators and furniture designers in order to increase their employment opportunities in the furniture industry and to get engaged. further support in communicating with potential employees and in discussing the issues covered in the "Super Employer" course. Prospects. The article contains recommendations for managers of furniture enterprises on how to satisfy the shortage of highly specialized personnel with the help of short-term and budgetary special courses.
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