The article examines the problem of ensuring macrofinancial stability of Ukraine under martial law. It has been established that the cooperation of our state with international financial organizations (IFIs) contributes to the receipt of large volumes of resource inflows, which positively affects the restoration of financial stability. A brief overview of the procedure for providing financial assistance from the main financial donors of Ukraine is provided. It is concluded that the development of cooperation between Ukraine and IFIs in the interests of increasing macrofinancial stability should be focused on the prospect of introducing a system of global supervision and regulation of financial markets. Among the issues that need to be addressed to improve Ukraine's interaction with international financial organizations in the financial sphere, the most important is the assessment of the effectiveness of their current forms, directions of modernization and the search for the most optimal forms of harmonization of national interests with international interests and the formal mandate of these organizations. It is necessary to strengthen the target component of the use of attracted resources by planning their use in priority areas of investment on transparent terms of financial management. This is in line with the need to implement measures to control capital flows. The prospects of which are noted by the relevant recommendations of the IMF. To productive cooperation with international financial institutions, it is necessary to actively seek to work closely with international partners to implement key reforms envisaged by the relevant agreements, independently develop investment projects, regularly, promptly and transparently inform partners about financing needs, help to obtain planned external financing on favorable terms and identifying additional financing, if necessary. The possibilities for the effective use of international financial assistance are analyzed, including planning their use in priority areas of investment on transparent terms of financial management.
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