Digital transformation in the insurance industry is key to the future of insurers, as it automates core functions and creates efficient self-service tools. The development of the insurance market depends on the effective implementation of digital insurance technologies, which enable competition with global innovative technologies that ensure information security in the global space. The aim of the study is to examine current trends in the innovative development of insurance management in the context of digital transformation and to determine the feasibility of implementing modern innovative Insurtech technologies in the Ukrainian insurance market. Research methods: methods of scientific abstraction, comparison, analysis, synthesis, statistical and graphical analysis. The results of the study are the investigation of innovative approaches to the organization of insurance management and the determination of the impact of digital transformation on the insurance industry. The article examines and analyzes the current state of the Ukrainian insurance market and the main indicators of insurance activity for 2020-2024. Based on the analysis of investments in Insurtech, the importance of further implementation of digital technologies in the Ukrainian insurance market was determined to improve the quality of policyholder protection and the development of the insurance business in the digital economy. The challenges and risks affecting the development of the insurance market in the context of digital transformation were outlined. Proposals for improving insurance management in the context of digital transformation were suggested. The value of the research lies in the development of theoretical, organizational, and methodological provisions aimed at the development of insurance management during the period of digital transformation.
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