Independent government financial control is an obvious need, as it is one of the key mechanisms for implementing the principles of openness of the government financial activities, its transparency, and the government accountability to the public. This article is devoted to substantiating the ways of developing independent government financial control in Ukraine aimed at solving two key tasks – increasing the efficiency of state finances and transforming them into public finances in accordance with the principles of democracy and good governance. Among these principles, special attention should be paid to ensuring the independence of the supreme audit institution. In addition, the problem of harmonizing internal and external governmental financial control bodies is relevant for Ukraine. To address the objectives of the study, the paper analyzes the legal framework for the organization of government financial controlс and the application of the principle of independence in this area, identifies international approaches to independent financial control and Ukraine's obligations in this area, and substantiates the conceptual basis for distinguishing in the system of government financial control between entities that meet the needs of public financial management, on the one hand, and the entity responsible for ensuring the government's accountability to taxpayers, on the other. At present, the Ukrainian system of governmental financial control is primarily subordinated to the needs of public financial management. The legislation establishes the principle of independence in control activities, but it is focused on ensuring the efficiency of the governmental financial control bodies, the objectivity, reliability and independence of their conclusions. At the same time, an important aspect of democratic state development, which provides for the accountability of the authorities to citizens as taxpayers, is currently underdeveloped in Ukraine. It is implemented, in particular, through a public professional and independent assessment of the activities of the authorities by the supreme audit institution. This direction should receive the most attention in order to obtain a new quality of financial relations between the national and regional authorities and citizens.
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