The article is concerned with outlining the theoretical basis for managing the competitiveness of a construction company, taking into account the transformation of the external environment in recent years. It has been determined that the proliferation of risks and uncertainty in the activities of construction companies will require improving approaches to managing their competitiveness in order to handle new critical issues related to market globalisation and innovations in construction. The article analyses and summarises the existing theoretical developments in the study of competitiveness of construction companies, taking into account global trends (digitalisation, environmental friendliness of construction, etc.) and the peculiarities of transformation of the Ukrainian business environment in the context of Russia's full-scale invasion. It is determined that in order to form competitive advantages in the market, the strategic behaviour of a construction company can be implemented in the following management decisions: strategic positioning, product positioning, and development of company resources. Within the framework of the latter, two models of forming competitive advantages for a construction company are defined. The necessity of taking into account how digitalisation creates additional competitive advantages for construction companies and helps to overcome the technical difficulties of bottlenecks of innovative/green development is substantiated. It has been concluded that the digital transformation of construction companies is one of the ways to increase competitiveness through the use of IT solutions in the search, collection and analysis of information, for professional evaluation, and screening of innovative projects, thereby creating more economic benefits for both the company and the country as a whole. Thus, digitalisation should become a key strategic tool for transforming Ukraine's construction industry in the post-war recovery.
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