Modern business functions in conditions of increased attention to transparency and responsibility to various interested parties. Disclosure requirements are constantly growing, covering not only traditional financial indicators, but also such important aspects as the environmental and social impact of the company's activities, as well as the effectiveness of its management decisions. The management report, which combines financial and non-financial indicators, becomes an important tool for providing a comprehensive assessment of the company's activities and contributes to the adoption of more informed and responsible management decisions. This approach to reporting provides a comprehensive view of the company, allowing to evaluate not only its financial results, but also the sustainability of the business in the long term. Stakeholders, including investors, partners, employees and regulators, gain a deeper understanding of how a company impacts the environment and society, how it manages risks and opportunities, and how efficiently it uses its resources. Forming a management report is one of the key aspects of any company's activity. This document reflects not only financial results, but also key management decisions affecting the strategic development of the enterprise. The management report allows the management of the company to evaluate the achieved results, analyze the efficiency of the used resources, determine the strengths and weaknesses of the activity and, based on this, adjust management approaches to improve future activities. The article examines the main stages of creating management reporting and the order of content. Reporting includes data processing methods, control over the accuracy and completeness of information, the use of modern information technologies to automate accounting processes, as well as the application of international financial reporting standards. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of problems that arise due to insufficient or ineffective organization of the accounting system, which can lead to the formation of inaccurate management reports and, as a result, to the adoption of incorrect management decisions.
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