The article focuses on finding ways to improve the efficiency of business management in the hotel industry. Hotel being part of the social sector, play an important role in increasing the productivity of social production and contribute to improving the standard of living for the population. The key task is to implement modern management models that meet international standards and market demands. This includes the quality of services provided, cost optimization, personnel adaptation, and conducting marketing research. The purpose of this article is to analyze the interaction between marketing strategies and customer service in the context of the Ukrainian hotel and restaurant business. Modern marketing strategies can significantly enhance the efficiency, transparency, flexibility, and value of any marketing operation. Nowadays, companies are actively integrating new digital solutions, which have become essential tools for successful management and marketing, transforming the approaches to customer interaction at all stages: from the first contact to post-sale service. A unique website, a strong presence on online booking platforms, and active engagement in social media are important components for attracting and retaining customers. Contemporary management methods in the hotel and catering industry are aimed at improving service quality and operational efficiency. The implementation of innovative approaches and advanced technologies helps attract new clients, increase their satisfaction, and create competitive advantages in the market. An innovative solutions system allows for the reduction of costs and risks while increasing the overall efficiency of hotel and restaurant businesses. Cutting-edge hotel technologies, including software and marketing tools, offer numerous opportunities for cost optimization and profit growth, allowing hotel owners to reach new levels of profitability. Further research in this field should focus on the development and implementation of innovative strategies for the advancement of the hotel and restaurant industry.
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