Keywords: displaced business, relocation, Ukraine, war, macroeconomic crisis, macroprudential analysis, risk-oriented management, product strategy, business resilience


Introduction. In the context of the ongoing war and the economic challenges posed by global changes, the study of the displaced business is becoming particularly relevant for Ukraine. The article is devoted to the problem of sectoral and regional analysis of the dynamics of relocated business in the war period of 2022-2023. Purpose. The aim of the study is to conduct an initial review of the relocated business in terms of geographical areas of relocation and types of companies' activities under the full-scale war during 2022-2023. Methods and data. The research materials are statistical data of financial statements and registration data of the studied displaced enterprises. The following scientific methods were used in the course of the research: empirical analysis of statistical data – to study and assess the financial performance of displaced companies, including revenues and their dynamics in different sectors of the economy and regions of Ukraine; comparative analysis – to identify flows of displaced companies among regions and sectors during 2022-2023, as well as to compare relocation trends during the war; systematic approach – for a comprehensive study of the relocation process and its impact on the business resilience in Ukraine. Results. Based on a retrospective analysis of registration, geographical and financial data, the author identifies companies that have changed their registration address, studies and systematizes the main geographical areas and sectoral structural features of relocation directions of enterprises. The financial indicators of the dynamics of business activity in the conditions of a full-scale war are studied. Based on the results obtained, the nature of the realization of the financial stability of the displaced business is determined. The most important vectors of relocation have been identified, which have shown that an important feature of business relocation in Ukraine is the tendency to move within its own or neighboring regions, as well as the high attractiveness of the capital region as a center of business activity and a pole of economic growth in the country. An analysis of the sectoral structure of the displaced companies revealed that the largest number of companies belong to the wholesale trade, agro-industrial complex, processing industry, construction and transportation. In terms of revenue, in 2023, the leaders were companies engaged in the sale of fuel, tobacco products, grain growing, real estate leasing, oil and copper production, and trucking. The practical value of the article lies in identifying the key areas of business relocation during the war and the sectoral structure of displaced companies, which will help to increase the effectiveness of the state economic policy in the field of SME support and regional development.


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How to Cite
Kornyliuk, R. (2024). DISPLACED BUSINESS IN UKRAINE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF WAR RISKS: A SECTORAL AND REGIONAL OVERVIEW. Economy and Society, (66). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-66-102