Keywords: enterprise, corporate social responsibility, foreign economic activity, economic efficiency, competence of employees


The purpose of this study is to identify the main factors that influence the formation of corporate social responsibility of enterprises - subjects of foreign economic activity, and to clarify the mechanism of such formation. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to improve the management of the formation of corporate social responsibility. This, in turn, requires the selection of factors and the study of the mechanism of such formation. To achieve the goal and solve the research tasks, the following general scientific and special methods are used in the work: theoretical generalization - when determining the features of the formation of corporate social responsibility; grouping – when distinguishing separate groups of factors that influence the process of such formation; modeling - when building a mechanism for the formation of corporate social responsibility of enterprises that conduct foreign economic activity; economic analysis - when assessing the level of factors that influence the formation of corporate social responsibility, etc. Factors influencing the formation of corporate social responsibility have been grouped. A model describing the mechanism of such formation is presented. The influence of foreign economic activities of enterprises on corporate social responsibility has been established. It is shown that for most groups of factors of the formation of corporate social responsibility, their average level for those enterprises that carry out foreign economic activity is insignificantly higher than the average level of the corresponding factors for those companies that do not carry out this activity. At the same time, the level of competence of owners and managers in enterprises of the first group significantly exceeds this level in enterprises of the second group. The same applies to the economic efficiency factor of corporate social responsibility measures. The theoretical and methodological provisions developed in the course of the research can be implemented in the practice of enterprises when drawing up strategies and plans for the implementation of measures regarding corporate social responsibility. This will provide an opportunity to improve the validity of these strategies and plans.


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