Keywords: economic potential, enterprises, enterprise potential, development, resource potential, labor potential


The scientific work is devoted to the issues of disclosing the content of the category «enterprise potential», identification and characterization of its components. The author proves that the activities and development of an enterprise largely depend on its potential. Regardless of the industry of activity of an economic entity, its potential is a strategic resource. Owners and managers independently determine the model of enterprise potential formation. The results of the research allow the author to argue that in the scientific field a significant number of approaches are accumulated which, from the standpoint of both science and practice, highlight the interpretive features of the category under study. It has been established that the time period for studying the essence of the category «enterprise potential» is long. The article highlights the views of scholars on the peculiarities of the content of the category «enterprise potential». At the same time, the author states that the vast majority of scholars identify the potential of an enterprise with opportunities, resources, ability, and a set of capacities. The scientific work also outlines the contours of the conceptual and categorical plane of the enterprise potential as an economic system, which implies specifying the peculiarities of interpretation of the category under study from the standpoint of three concepts, and generalizing the system-forming characteristics of the enterprise potential and its properties. The approaches of scientists to identifying the components of enterprise potential are generalized. The author characterizes the priority components of enterprise potential, which, according to the author of the scientific work, are necessary for the activities of enterprises of any form of ownership and type of activity. The author's own definition is proposed: enterprise potential is a set of resources (labor, financial, tangible, intangible, intellectual, innovative) which ensure the functioning of a business entity, successful implementation of all business processes, contribute increase of competitiveness and investment attractiveness of an enterprise.


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Zavora, O. (2024). POTENTIAL OF THE ENTERPRISE: ESSENCE AND IDENTIFICATION OF ITS COMPONENTS. Economy and Society, (66). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-66-70