In conditions of high competition, e-commerce enterprises must respond effectively to the requests of various customers and adapt business process management to new digital and global challenges. The purpose of the article is to substantiate scientific approaches to the identification and improvement of the classification of business processes at an e-commerce enterprise, to determine the role and key transformations of business processes based on digital technologies in e-commerce. To substantiate the questions of the research topic, the main provisions of the theory of management of business processes at the enterprise, including electronic commerce, praxeological approaches of electronic commerce enterprises regarding the digital transformation of business processes were used. In the context of the development of digital technologies, it is stated that the classification of business processes of an e-commerce enterprise can be structured and detailed depending on the economic activity, product specialization and the scale of the company's operation.On the basis of a comparative analysis and a systematic approach, classification features in the management of business processes of an e-commerce enterprise are summarized, in particular: by the level of automation, functionality, stage of the product life cycle, level of interaction with the client, etc. The paper examines the influence of digital transformation on the classification of business processes in electronic commerce. In particular, it is proposed to supplement classification wit of business processesh new criteria reflecting the level of integration of artificial intelligence and the degree of globalization of business processes.The digital transformation of business processes and their results are analyzed using the example of e-commerce enterprises. It is shown how these factors affect the organization and management of modern online businesses. The results of the study can be used to optimize business processes and increase the competitiveness of e-commerce enterprises.
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