Keywords: social responsibility of business, sustainable development, socio-economic inclusion, martial law, agricultural enterprises, crisis situations, charity


The article examines the social responsibility of business under the conditions of a full-scale war in Ukraine, its main trends and new directions that arise depending on the needs of society. 2 stages of the development of social responsibility of business during the war time were defined, where the first stage was more aimed at evacuating personnel or residents of the area where hostilities were taking place, providing shelter to the population, helping with food or basic necessities, and the second stage already has more areas of application. It was determined that social responsibility becomes the key to the development of a socio-economically inclusive environment through the implementation of hiring practices for veterans, people with disabilities, IDPs and other groups, financing grants for starting a business or providing other forms of assistance. The role of agricultural enterprises in ensuring food security of the state, including through socially responsible practices, is indicated.


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How to Cite
Dielini, M., & Aksentiuk, M. (2024). SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF BUSINESS UNDER THE WAR CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (66).