Keywords: budgetary investment, capital investment, capital investmentstructure of capital investment by type of economic activity, priorities of budgetary investment in Ukraine


In global financial practice, public investment plays an important role in ensuring long-term economic growth, improving the quality of life of the population, reducing social inequality, creating new jobs, counteracting economic downturns and recessions, supporting strategic sectors of the economy, and improving the overall competitiveness of the country. In the context of the current full-scale armed conflict, its importance is not only not diminishing, but is growing. The purpose of the article is to examine the possibilities and prospects of using the budgetary investment instrument in solving the problems of Ukraine in the state of war. The specificity of the scientific tasks arising from the chosen subject of research involves the use of a combination of general and special methods, the application of which helped to highlight the organization of budgetary investment in Ukraine before the outbreak of full-scale military operations and to clarify its promising role as an instrument of public financial management in the wartime and post-war period. The article analyzes the state and peculiarities of budgetary investment in Ukraine in the pre-war ten-year period, identifies key trends and priorities in the use of state and local budget resources for capital investment. A brief critical assessment of the structure of capital investments at the expense of budgetary funds before the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation and an assessment of the shortcomings in the organization of management of investment resources of budgets are given. The role that budgetary investment should play in Ukraine in a state of war is outlined. The author identifies and substantiates narrow priority areas of concentration of scarce investment resources of the budget in the short term, aimed at ensuring the survival of the State, its economy and reducing social tension in society. The practical significance of the article is to outline the strategic directions of investment allocation of domestic budget resources in the context of the global crisis caused by the war and the corresponding significant restrictions on the revenue side of the consolidated budget of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Shchur, R., Plets, I., & Lavriv, A. (2024). PROSPECTS FOR BUDGETARY INVESTMENT IN UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF WAR. Economy and Society, (66).