The article is dedicated to the study of the methodology of formation of management reporting for the needs of enterprise management, identifying the main stages of its construction and defining the main tasks at each stage. In the management accounting system, accounting and analytical information should be directed at providing managers with relevant information, the authenticity and accuracy of which characterize the current state of the business entity. The effectiveness and efficacy of the management accounting system in practice can only be ensured when the management reporting is formed properly. It is the management reporting that is designed to meet the needs of internal users with a sufficient amount of accounting and analytical information, indicators for a certain time period, data on specific types of products (works, services), areas, segments, markets, etc. Management reporting has a non-public nature, the information reflected in it is not available to the general public, therefore the feasibility of the methodology for its formation, as well as the identification of the main stages of its construction, is a relevant topic and requires the selection of proposals that are based on practical experience. The article proves that the practical significance of the process of formation of management reporting is the main source for arriving at management decisions and achieving the strategic goals of an enterprise. It proves that the efficiency of using management reporting depends on the establishment of financial responsibility centers and the definition of key performance indicators for each of them. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are indicators used for evaluation and analysis of the performance of an enterprise and its level of achievement of the strategic goals. There was listed an example of the use of key performance indicators and sources of information for each financial responsibility center. Control and analysis of management reporting indicators is the final stage of the management reporting methodology and involves monitoring budget execution in the following areas: tentative budget, current budget and final budget. Each area of control allows us to detect deviations, avoid unjustified expenses, as well as foresee and take measures in advance in order to prevent budget underperformance. At the current stage, it is of paramount importance to follow a certain procedure and agree on regulations that will make this control process transparent and comprehensible and will also increase executive discipline. In order to achieve this, the author suggests a procedure for the methodology of budget control and analysis of management reporting indicators.
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