The article examines the impact of globalization on modern economic models, focusing on new challenges and opportunities facing national economies in the context of integration into the global economic system. Globalization, characterized by the rapid development of information technology, the growth of international trade and the mobility of capital and labor, significantly changes the structure of the world economy, requiring a revision of traditional economic models. The article discusses both the positive aspects of globalization, such as the expansion of markets and access to new technologies, and the negative consequences, including economic inequality and environmental challenges. Particular attention is paid to the adaptation of national economies to new conditions and the search for optimal strategies to minimize risks and maximize the benefits of globalization. A review of recent research shows that despite significant progress in this area, the issues of effective use of the opportunities of globalization and adaptation of economic models require further research, especially in the context of transition economies such as Ukraine. The article emphasizes the need for a balanced approach to globalization to ensure sustainable development and competitiveness of national economies. It is indicated that one of the manifestations of the globalization process is the rapid growth of the international financial market and financial transactions. Globalization has become one of the most significant phenomena of the modern world, affecting all aspects of economic life. It defines new rules of the game in international business, forms new economic models and challenges faced by national economies. Selected examples, such as opportunities and challenges for Ukraine, highlight both the positive and negative effects of globalization, including increased investment attractiveness and exacerbation of social inequality. In conclusion, the article emphasizes the need to develop adaptive strategies that will help maximize the benefits of globalization and minimize its negative impact, ensuring sustainable economic development in today's globalized world.
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Top 50 countries in the Globalization Index 2023. Statista. Available at:‐index‐by‐country/

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