The development of digital technologies for processing and visualising big data, as the mathematical and analytical instruments are becoming more advanced, necessitates summarising the methods of project and analytical research in the field of innovation development, and aligning the classical indicators of project analysis with current changes in the methodological support for assessing business processes. The purpose of the research is to deepen the project-analytical instruments for assessing the effectiveness of innovation activities. The authors used the methods of retrospective analysis of the theory of project analysis, methods of generalisation and visualisation of scientific research, and applied a structural approach to building a sequence of project-analytical activities. The article describes the evolution of scientific approaches to improving the tools for assessing the effectiveness of project activities. The authors clarified the feasibility of using targeted analysis of the results of innovative projects, described the use of strategic management in project and analytical activities. This made it possible to describe modern classical project efficiency indicators and deepen the methodological support for project and analytical activities. In particular, the authors formalised the stages of project-analytical activity, which included analytics of potential and space-time constraints, analysis of cash flows and investment process dynamics, assessment of project investment efficiency, and analysis of the results of an innovative project. At each stage, the mathematical and economic instruments of analysis, the system of indicators, and the conditions for their application were specified. The research notes that the modern tools for project-analytical research of innovative projects contain integral criteria, which allows to establish a gradation of their values and compare the effectiveness. The practical value of the research consists in harmonising the classical tools of project analysis and economic efficiency evaluation with modern mathematical methods and technologies for projecting, forecasting, and evaluating the determinants of innovative development.
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