Nowadays, an intangible component of providing social and economic development of territories plays an important role. Such an intangible asset for the development of the territory and a means of achieving its social and economic well-being is the brand. The use of modern branding tools makes it possible to form a territory brand that meets the expectations of interested parties and strengthens its competitive position in the fight for the main types of resources. Taking into account the above, the objective of the article is to systematize and generalize the conceptual approaches of brand management of territories and form recommendations on the use of branding technologies in the process of territorial community management. Within the frame of the research, the following tools have been used: monographic method (in the course of highlighting conceptual approaches to territory branding, identifying the requirements and dimensions of the territory brand), analysis (when identifying territory branding tools and the practice of their application by the Kopychyntsy territorial community), graphic (for a visual presentation of the obtained results of the scientific search, in particular, when providing tools for branding the territory and the main goals and objectives of the Kopychyntsy territorial community until 2027). The article analyzes the issue of brand management of territories. Conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the territory brand are summarized. Territorial branding tools are characterized and examples of their use by the Kopychyntsy territorial community are given. It has been determined that successful branding allows positioning the competitive advantages of a specific territory, strengthens its competitive position in the activities for investment and human resources, promotes the activization of tourist and cultural flows, and also ensures the formation of a positive image of the territory. Recommendations regarding the application of municipal marketing technologies in the process of forming a territorial community brand are given. Applying territory branding technologies in the conditions of a highly competitive activity for access to resources will allow to position correctly the competitive advantages, take into account the main insights of interested parties, form to attract additional resources to ensure local development.
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