Keywords: comfort, tourist, needs, philosophy, human, being, worldview, individual, personal culture, conflicts


The article analyzes the concept of "comfort" and distinguishes its various types. Based on philosophical foundations for studying human nature, it examines the components that shape a tourist's personality and influence their demands for different types of comfort. It emphasizes that comfort depends on the location where the person (tourist) is, as well as the fulfillment of certain needs: material, emotional, and social. From a philosophical point of view, the article analyzes the formation of individual traits in a person (tourist), which affect their attitude toward the surrounding space and their behavior in society, and how this impacts the provision of comfort. Through the lens of philosophical categories, the tourist is seen as both a biological being and an individual with inherent characteristics, existing (moving) in a certain space (natural, social) and shaped by a multitude of real-world factors. On tourist trips, you may meet people of different types with different worldview values, aesthetic tastes, and cultural levels. Emotional discomfort and even conflicts may arise based on their mismatch under the influence of irrational emotions and instincts. If residents of the same hotel; visitors of the same restaurant; members of the same tour group; tourists vacationing in the same destination are representatives of hostile communities, there is also a risk of acute conflicts. Socioeconomic differences, which depend on the type of occupation, level of position, attitude to work, and propensity for fraud, can cause rejection and even lead to conflicts. It can be argued that the solution to the problem of tourist comfort is based on a deep understanding of the essence of a person, the conditions that influence the formation of his or her personality and the emergence of needs of a certain level. The above considerations are important for both tourism professionals and potential tourists.


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How to Cite
Terebukh, A., & Teodorovich, L. (2024). PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACHES TO ENSURING THE COMFORT OF TOURISTS. Economy and Society, (66).