The article discusses the associations and networks of non-governmental organizations involved in rural development in the European Union, with a focus on Slovakia as an example of successful implementation of such projects. The study includes a theoretical review of sustainable development issues in the EU, a comparison of support conditions and tools, and an assessment of the level of rural development in Slovakia. The aim of the research is to analyze the activities of territorial associations during the latest planning period to identify opportunities for multifunctional rural development beyond traditional agriculture. Particular attention is paid to the study of the effectiveness of Local Action Groups (LAGs) in Slovakia and their contribution to sustainable regional development. The article provides a comparative analysis of the conditions and tools for supporting sustainable rural development in Slovakia and offers recommendations for countries aspiring to integrate into the European Union. The theoretical foundations of sustainable development and rural management in the EU are complemented by an analysis of institutional structures, national and European programs such as LEADER and “Community-Led Local Development” (CLLD). The study employs both quantitative and qualitative methods, including critical analysis, statistical methods, case studies, and an abstract-logical approach. The main results include recommendations for improving rural support and management systems based on Slovakia's experience. Particular attention is given to the LEADER program and the National Rural Development Network of the Slovak Republic, which actively involve local communities in the development of their regions. The analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of cooperation between the public, private, and civil sectors, promoting territorial cohesion and addressing social and environmental challenges. In conclusion, the author proposes recommendations for implementing this experience in Ukraine, particularly in the context of European integration and post-war reconstruction.
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