The article summarizes theoretical and practical approaches to business process management, methods of their improvement within the framework of innovative development of enterprises. The authors present the stages, classification, characteristics and problems in business process management. At the same time, the management system should focus on improving its efficiency and effectiveness, which implies the presence of a detailed system of activity analysis. This system must not only detect and resolve inconsistencies, but also identify the root causes of problems. Establishing performance criteria for business processes and their continuous monitoring are key. Assessment of the effectiveness of business processes is a tool for identifying problem areas, allowing timely response to them. Metrics of business processes can be diverse and adapted to specific tasks, which allows to evaluate both general and specific aspects of activity. It has been established that the effectiveness of any business unit depends on the coherence of its business processes. The importance of each process becomes obvious in the course of the enterprise. In this context, we developed a proposal for defining the structure of the company's business process management mechanism, its key elements and impact on the management object. Theoretical studies show that for modern companies, a deep reorganization of the management structure and the implementation of an effective business process management mechanism are critical. It is established that the most common methods of improving business processes are reengineering and optimization, a comparison is presented that illustrates the differences between these methods: radical and rapid changes; focusing on incremental improvement of existing processes. The advantages and significance of these methods for modern enterprises are established. Re-engineering and optimization of production business processes opens up significant opportunities for increasing the internal efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises. Their main goal is to clearly see the current state of processes and identify bottlenecks, which helps to avoid the risk of critical situations for the business.
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