Keywords: labor migration, business migration, migration flows, EU, unemployment, employment, refugees


The article is devoted to the business migration impact on the Ukrainian economy in the war conditions. First, the concept of business migration is highlighted, business migration in the European Union is considered, and the consequences of labor migration are analyzed. The main factors influencing the migration process are singled out. The main positive and negative consequences of business migration for donor countries and recipient countries are studied. The phenomenon of migration is analyzed mainly through the concept of repulsive factors and attractive factors. Push factors are negative aspects of the origin country that cause people to leave their state. Pull factors are positive aspects of the receiving country that attract migrants. In order to achieve the set goal, it is planned to solve the following tasks: to explore the international migration concept; to determine the essence and the main features of the business migration process; to highlight the main features of business migration in the European Union; to identify migration trends in Ukraine; to analyze the possible consequences of business migration for the economy of Ukraine. The research methodology is based on the use of methods of system analysis and synthesis, which allow to determine the main trends in the business migration impact on the Ukrainian economy in the war conditions. It was determined that Ukraine is one of the main donor countries of labor migrants in Europe. The migration impact on Ukraine is multifaceted and has both positive and negative consequences for the economy. Three main groups of migrants can be distinguished: business-only business immigrants, immigrants-only business immigrants, hybrid business immigrants. The main reasons why Ukrainians choose to emigrate to the European Union countries can be distinguished as: the geographic proximity, cultural similarity, economic stability, a large number of immigration programs etc. The inference of the study make it possible to determine the most priority directions for the development of business migration and in the future to apply the successful experience for attracting foreign business units for the economic development of the state.


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How to Cite
Prykhodko, I., & Ihnatyshyn , V. (2024). THE BUSINESS MIGRATION IMPACT ON THE UKRAINIAN ECONOMY IN THE WAR CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (66).

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