Keywords: content types and purposes, content marketing, consumer behavior in education, digital sales funnel, strategic digital marketing communications


The article is devoted to the study of the essence of content marketing and the determination of the peculiarities of the construction of communications of a higher education institution at all stages of the consumer's journey. The step-by-step adjustment of the content and actions of the HEIs, depending on the specifics of the goals, audience, strategic tasks and technologies, which is the essence of the POST method, is detailed. It is well-founded that one of the decisive factors in ensuring the competitive advantages of higher education institutions is the information and communication support of the applicant / student at all stages from the search for information about higher education institutions to the moment of admission to the institution of education, training and graduation. Content types considered include: publications, infographics, demo videos, e-books, publications, press releases, social media posts, blogs, branded videos, podcasts, animations, music, webinars, games. Detailed recommendations for placement of content and actions of HEIs are offered, depending on the stages of the marketing funnel and types of communication channels, such as: website, Internet advertising, e-mail, user groups; webinars, chats, partners and system integrators, influencers. The format, type of content, platforms, goals and triggers of access to the content of all interested parties of the HEIs were analyzed. Systematized content forms and communication channels at all levels of the educational institution: teacher, department, dean's office, educational institution as a whole. The expediency of using content matrices that allow you to organize content, depending on educational, entertaining, inspiring and persuasive motives, taking into account the emotional or rational reaction of the target audience, the level of attention and the availability of implementation, is substantiated. Considerable attention is paid to the role of influencers in the establishment of communications and interaction of higher education institutions with the target audience. Reasonable expediency of involving students and business partners in forming educational content and spreading positive experience of its use; studying and taking into account the psychological features of the target audience. The important role and place of the HEIs website and the need for its constant promotion through social networks are defined. It has been proven that the presence and distribution of the content of the educational system in social networks and the Internet community contributes to the formation of dialogue, discussion, expression of evaluative judgments and reactions of the target audience.


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