Keywords: economic development, digital innovation, innovation hubs, economic development assessment, digital economy, digital transformation, digital technology transfer


The subject of research in this paper is the development of a list of indicators for assessing the level of economic development of digital innovation hubs (DIHs). Given the rapid development of digital technologies and the growing demand for digital transformation and digital technology transfer, such organisations are becoming a new element of the economy at both the national and international levels. DIHs are able to provide businesses with better access to the necessary innovative digital technologies compared to other organisations that have the relevant capabilities. At the same time, the concept of innovation hubs is still under development, research and implementation. Accordingly, there are many significant economic aspects of such organisations that require attention from the scientific community. To address this, a comprehensive literature review was conducted, the essence of the economic activities of DIHs was analyzed, and the main purpose of their activities in the market was formulated. The analysis and synthesis of existing approaches to assessing the activities of innovation hubs allowed to develop a list of indicators for assessing the level of economic development of digital innovation hubs. Accordingly, the contribution of this paper resulted in development of economic indicators aimed at enabling DIHs and similar organisations to assess the level of economic development. The proposed list of indicators has the potential to be used in assessing the activities of DIHs, which makes it possible to further facilitate and accelerate the process of economic development of such organizations and, accordingly, contribute to the achievement of the main economic goal set for them. In addition, the results of the study open up other directions for future research on innovation hubs in terms of economic development.


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