Keywords: marketing, diversification, strategy, assortment policy, digital marketing


The article substantiates the list and application of marketing tools for implementing the diversification strategy in the activities of agricultural enterprises. The instrumental filling of the marketing component of the diversification strategy in the agricultural sector is considered as a systematic combination of two blocks: commodity and sales policies. The directions for the expansion of the assortment policy based on the implementation of innovative technological solutions based on the achievements of breeding and genetics, allowing for an increase in production productivity and the rationalization of the use of resources, are substantiated. The organizational and economic factors of the formation of the assortment policy as an element of the strategy of diversification of the activity of the agrarian enterprise are presented. The advantages of using digital marketing in the context of implementing a diversification strategy in the activities of agricultural enterprises are determined, which include: tuning to the appropriate audience, increasing brand awareness, building trust in the brand, strengthening customer loyalty, increasing the conversion rate, simplifying the analysis of results, etc. It was determined that Internet marketing helps agricultural enterprises maintain stable relations with customers, attract new consumers, increase sales, use interactive communications and electronic services for planning and control of payments, and monitor financial indicators. The transformation of the distribution system has the following directions: reducing the influence of intermediaries and active use of wholesale food markets (in order to obtain more income), increased attention to Internet marketing and digital promotion channels, which contributes to increasing recognition brand, attracting the target audience and increasing conversion. It is proposed to introduce reforms in the sales system, focusing on reducing the influence of intermediaries and actively using wholesale food markets to ensure high prices for products, and paying special attention to the role of Internet marketing and digital promotion channels: the use of SEO, contextual advertising, social networks and other tools that contributes to increasing brand awareness, engaging the target audience and increasing conversion, which is key to the successful implementation of the diversification strategy.


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How to Cite
Piechka , S., Garbazhii, K., & Kaitanskyi , I. (2024). MARKETING TOOLS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRATEGY OF DIVERSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (66). Retrieved from