Keywords: business, agribusiness, agriculture, structure, agrarian sphere, industrial production


Within the article, main approaches to systematization of the structure of the agrarian business system are researched. To do this, the author analyzed the essence of the agrarian business, which is proposed to be considered as a sector of the national economy within which the activities related to production, processing and sale of agricultural products and agro-industrial products are carried out to generate profit and additional social effects. Moreover, in the article, considerable attention is paid to the study of the agribusiness system and it is found out that this structure is inherently quite complex, since there is a significant number of types of entrepreneurial activity in the agribusiness sector, which are not easy to compare with each other to justify the hierarchy of the structure of the agribusiness system. Accordingly, with this in mind, within the article, specific features of the structure of the agribusiness system are singled out, which subsequently allowed for a clearer justification of its structure. Considerable attention is paid to the study of main approaches to the allocation of certain types of economic activities in the field of agribusiness, which are currently found in the scientific literature. It has been found that in the vast majority of such approaches, the authors distribute these types of the entrepreneurial activity differently within the structure of the agrarian business system. This situation also complicates scientific justification for building this structure. Based on the results of the conducted scientific research, it is proposed in the article to divide all types of entrepreneurial activities carried out within the agrarian business sector into the following groups: business in agriculture; business in agricultural processing (food industry, production of raw materials, products for various industries); business in the field of material and infrastructure provision and support of the agrarian business. It is stated that the proposed division is rather conditional, since the sphere of agrarian business is large in terms of its volume and number of economic entities involved in it, and the list of types of the entrepreneurial activity carried out in it is also significant.


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