The article is devoted to revealing the essence of controlling as a tool for maintaining a sufficient level of economic security and competitiveness of enterprises, identifying the main factors that can affect it and methods of regulation. It is noted that the effectiveness of controlling consists in the ability to promptly respond to changes and ensure compliance of the actual activity of the enterprise with the planned indicators, which is the key to its stable functioning. It is substantiated that controlling has an inextricable connection with the system of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise due to its focus on ensuring the economic security of the enterprise in the process of adaptation to the changing environment in the future, the identification of factors that cause deviations from the set goal, the presence of an information base that ensures the adoption of rational and effective management decisions by tracking changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise's functioning, combining a set of tasks related to planning, regulation and control, as well as the interconnection of the functions of collection, processing of information and coordination of control, the presence of functional components of economic security, among which financial, personnel, technological, information, the dynamics of which should be investigated and measures to improve them should be developed as a direction to ensure the economic security of enterprises. It is substantiated that controlling as a tool for ensuring economic security can be defined as a mechanism for creating a complex system of both preventive and counteracting already real threats measures and methods, the use of which is aimed at increasing the efficiency of functioning. of an economic entity, the development of the internal environment of the enterprise, the ranking of the factors of the external environment depending on the impact on the economic entity and the creation of an algorithm of interaction with it to prevent destructive effects and increase economic benefits. The object of controlling the economic security of the enterprise is a set of threats that prevent the realization of its interests in the process of adaptation to the conditions of the cyclical economy.
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