• Mykola Shevchenko Kyiv National University named after V. Hetman
Keywords: consumer, consumer behavior, marketing environment, consumer thinking, consumer reactions, type of consumers, theories of consumer behavior


The article is devoted to the study of the influence of factors of the marketing environment on consumer behavior. The peculiarities of the modern marketing environment, which is characterized by turbulence, rapid informatization and the introduction of digital technologies into all spheres of human life, are described and investigated. The directions of changing trends in the behavior of modern consumers in a turbulent market environment are revealed. The need to build and develop a system of long-term relations with consumers with adaptation to rapid changes in the environment is indicated. The most relevant author's views of theories of consumer behavior in terms of the formation of consumer attitudes, motivations and actions are analyzed. The main factors shaping human behavior in the economic and marketing environments are defined and characterized. The theories of personality research are systematized in the context of understanding the peculiarities of consumer behavior as an economic and social subject. Types of consumers based on psychological characteristics were studied and their key features were described. The principles of building an algorithm of the consumer's own behavior are considered, taking into account the hedonistic, rationalistic and ascetic type of the consumer. The most priority factors for understanding consumer thinking and reactions have been revealed and characterized, and appropriate conclusions have been drawn. The article analyzes current theories of consumer behavior, which consider the consumer as a systemic phenomenon from the point of view of individual, psychological and social components. The views of the most famous researchers in the field of consumer behavior are presented and investigated, with an emphasis on the multifactorial influence on consumer decisions. The importance of using digital technologies and taking into account modern digital tools for building effective interaction with consumers is defined and substantiated. Specific manifestations of consumer behavior are revealed depending on the dominance of hedonistic, rational and ascetic motives of purchasing behavior. On the basis of taking into account the complex of views and concepts of theories of consumer behavior, a conclusion is made about the dominance of the subjectivity of consumer decisions in the individual, social and marketing sense.


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