Keywords: farmers, agrarian business, special conditions, financial indicators


The article is devoted to the important issue of identifying the main specific conditions of doing business by agrarian enterprises and analyzing certain conditions regarding the effective financial activity of these entities. The emergence of economic crises, the growth of cryptocurrency markets, the Covid-19 pandemic, armed conflicts or hacker attacks on financial systems have drawn attention to many important factors regarding the conduct of agricultural business. The importance of financial stability and financial security, not only of a separate agrarian industry, but also of its individual business entities, is being emphasized more and more often. It has been proven that reliable and financially stable agricultural farms are able to perform production continuously and efficiently, regardless of any disruptions or unexpected crises occurring in the environment. The article highlights the main specific business conditions for agricultural enterprises and gives a detailed description of each element. Seasonality of production, investments, state aid, competition, risks in activity, problems in product supply, use of innovations, availability and training of personnel, war - all these factors affect the conduct of agrarian business in Ukraine. It has been proven that land owned by farmers is a key factor in ensuring financial security and financial stability. Considerable attention is paid in the article to the characteristics of factors that directly affect the financial performance of agricultural enterprises. Such factors include: investment support of the industry, competitiveness on the agricultural market, solvency of agricultural producers, implementation of innovations in the industry, strategic planning of activities, as well as the development of partnership relations between various market participants. Ensuring stable positive financial indicators of farmers will be able to ensure positive dynamics in the agricultural sector.


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How to Cite
Rosola, U., & Rosola , A. (2024). SPECIFICS OF DOING BUSINESS IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IN THE CONTEXT OF IMPACT ON FINANCIAL INDICATORS OF ACTIVITY. Economy and Society, (66). Retrieved from https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/4533