The purpose of the article is to research the identification of key factors affecting the quality of human capital, as well as the selection of specific mechanisms and tools that contribute to its growth within the framework of cross-border cooperation. The research methodology is based on an integrated approach combining qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis. The research used statistical analysis to assess demographic indicators, education level, employment and migration processes in the Polish-Ukrainian border area. The method of comparative analysis was used to evaluate strategies for the development of human capital in border regions. The research also used content analysis of state regulatory documents related to cross-border cooperation between Poland and Ukraine. It was determined that the specificity of the border regions is the need to ensure effective cooperation between Poland and Ukraine in the field of education, development of labor resources and socio-economic integration. The impact of cross-border cooperation on improving the quality of human capital was analyzed, as well as the impact of migration processes on the intellectual potential of the region was assessed. The question of the formation of joint educational programs, which contribute to the improvement of the qualifications of the local population and the training of highly qualified personnel for the local labor market, was considered. Problems and challenges related to migration trends are identified, in particular, issues of social adaptation and integration of migrants, which directly affect the development of human capital. The importance of a strategic approach to the formation of human capital in the border regions of Ukraine and Poland has been studied, which implies the need to ensure close cooperation between state bodies, business and educational institutions. The practical value of the study lies in the development of recommendations for improving the policy of human capital development in the Polish-Ukrainian border region. The obtained results can be used by state bodies, educational institutions, and businesses to form effective programs for professional training, professional development, and social integration of migrants. In addition, the research contributes to the improvement of cross-border cooperation, which can positively affect the economic and social development of the region.
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