Keywords: hotel enterprises, efficiency, key performance indicators, KPIs, business process, development strategy, CRM


The proposed article substantiates the importance of regular analysis of the efficiency of the domestic hotel business in the current difficult economic conditions. One of the progressive methods of such an assessment is the use of a system of key performance indicators (KPIs). The essence of the concept of KPIs and the advantages of their use in the activities of economic entities in an unstable market are defined. The relevance of the systematic application of KPIs for managing business processes of enterprises in various spheres, including the hotel industry, is substantiated. The structure of the complex of business processes of hotel enterprises is analysed, which covers business processes of the main (operational), auxiliary, managerial, innovation and analytical, and the actual tasks performed by the KPI system in this complex are outlined. The difference between KPI and BSC systems is clarified. The main principles that should be followed in the development and practical implementation of the KPI system are formulated, as well as the requirements that its key indicators should meet according to the SMART approach are defined. A seven-stage algorithm for the formation and implementation of the KPI system by a hotel enterprise is proposed, an analysis of the processes and tools used at each of these stages is carried out. Particular attention is paid to characterizing the set of KPIs that are most often used by domestic and foreign hotel enterprises, covering groups of indicators of general, managerial, cleaning and room service, marketing, human resources and digital technologies. In addition, the author emphasizes the need to introduce the concept of “internal customer - internal supplier” at hotel enterprises, which allows to establish the highest quality interaction between their individual structural units and individual employees. The author provides relevant examples of CRM, which help domestic hospitality enterprises to quickly and objectively calculate and analyze the main KPIs (including taking into account competitive positions in the hotel market), and, based on the information obtained, make informed decisions regarding optimization of their business strategy.


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