Marketing in social networks allows to promote products and services, increase customer loyalty, and also helps in attracting a new audience. Thanks to the rapid growth of social networks, companies have a unique opportunity to interact with their audience directly, creating meaningful relationships and increasing brand awareness. The purpose of the article is to highlight current trends in social media marketing, tools and strategies that help increase the effectiveness of brand promotion, as well as highlight the most effective ways to improve customer loyalty and increase sales. The work uses such general scientific research methods as analysis and comparison. The advantages of using marketing in social networks by brands have been studied. Such mechanisms of increasing brand recognition in social networks as wide coverage, visual identity, involvement and partnership with influencers are characterized. Key strategies for social media marketing to support brand loyalty are identified, including consistent engagement, personalization, exclusive offers, and user-generated content (UGC). The authors have identified and characterized the main methods of using marketing in social networks, which can lead to a significant increase in product sales. These include: targeted advertising, influencer marketing, product promotion through content, interactive sales, loyalty programs and promotions, as well as data analysis and optimization. Regular data analysis helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the promotion strategy, which allows you to make timely adjustments and increase the effectiveness of marketing. The challenges of social media marketing for brands are also noted, such as rapid changes in platform algorithms, intense competition for user attention, and the need for constant content updates. Among the main prospects for the use of marketing in social networks, the following are noted: personalization of content, expansion of analytics, interactive capabilities. The practical value is that the authors have proposed effective approaches to the use of marketing in social networks, which can help specialists in this field to more successfully promote their brands and increase sales volumes.
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