Keywords: production concentration, economic integration, forms of concentration, mergers, acquisitions


The article is devoted to highlighting the relevance of concentration processes today. Modern approaches to the definition of "concentration of production" are analyzed. The essence of the concentration of production should be determined through the prism of forms of its practical implementation. As with any complex phenomenon, the concentration of production is characterized by various forms of implementation. The economic literature presents a large number of variants of classifications of forms of the process of concentration of production. However, all classifications are formed without the tools of an integrated approach. The analysis of scientific sources shows the lack of a holistic classification of the concentration of production, and therefore there is a need to systematize the classification features by types, levels, directions and forms of implementation.The concentration of production is characterized by a variety of forms of its manifestation, which requires their systematization according to certain classification features. The process of concentration of production by classification was divided into: types, levels, areas of implementation, forms. The proposed systematization of classification features of the concentration of production allows to deepen the understanding of these processes and to create the necessary theoretical basis for the development of methodological support for assessing the effectiveness of the concentration of production. The main forms of concentration of production are identified and the classification features of concentration of production are characterized, which, unlike traditional ones, unite such taxonomic groups as species (absolute and relative), levels (micro-, macro- and international), directions (domestic and external) and forms of implementation (internal integration, integration, cooperation), which allows to deepen the theoretical basis of the studied processes. The differentiation of levels of production concentration (micro-level, macro-level and international level) is outlined. The forms of implementation of integration processes through the processes of mergers and acquisitions are determined. Peculiarities and differences of concentration forms due to mergers and acquisitions are determined.


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How to Cite
Kravets, K. (2020). FORMS OF CONCENTRATION OF PRODUCTION AT ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (22).