Keywords: tourism enterprises, tourist infrastructure, investments, crowdfunding, crowdfunding platform


The article is devoted to the consideration of the possibility of using modern tools (crowdfunding) to attract investment in order to accelerate the development of tourism in Ukraine and get from it a sufficient return for the economy and society as a whole. Theoretical and practical aspects of the newest tool of project financing – crowdfunding are considered. The essence of crowdfunding, its technical and technological features are described, as well as the poles and disadvantages of crowdfunding as a tool for attracting investment, its main participants interacting within the process of this investment attraction tool: crowdfunding platform, recipient and donors. The main terminological categories of crowdfunding are defined: crowdfunding platform, recipient and donor. The author has developed a visual technological scheme of interaction of participants in the crowdfunding system. Crowdfunding models are also described, as well as three main types of crowdfunding in Ukraine: charitable crowdfunding, community development crowdfunding, and non-financial reward crowdfunding platforms, as well as possible donor benefits and fundraising conditions. Peculiarities and possibilities of using crowdfunding tools to attract investments in the development of enterprises in the tourism industry of Ukraine are analyzed. The most popular crowdfunding platforms in Ukraine and the world are described, and their key features are given. Existing examples of the use of crowdfunding to invest in the development of tourism enterprises, including to finance the development of tourism facilities and enterprises in the field of tourism, tourism infrastructure. It is concluded that the use of crowdfunding techniques in tourism should be carried out in the following areas: improving the tourist destination, creating a tourist product, financing the development of tourism enterprises, development of infrastructure facilities in the field of tourism, and implementation of projects for restoration and repair of national tourist facilities. It is established that the areas of use of crowdfunding techniques in tourism should be carried out in the following areas: improvement of the tourist destination; creation of a tourist product; financing the development of tourism enterprises; development of infrastructure facilities in the field of tourism; implementation of projects for restoration and repair of national tourist facilities.


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