The article explored the impact of modern digital technologies on international logistics, including the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. A model for the integration of digital tools into logistics processes was developed, which includes a sequence of implementation stages, starting with the assessment of the company's readiness for digitalization and ending with staff training. Particular attention was paid to the definition and analysis of practical aspects of the use of these technologies, in particular the opportunities and challenges facing international logistics companies during their implementation. The effectiveness of using these technologies in various aspects of logistics was evaluated. In particular, IoT allows to track cargo and control the conditions of their transportation, which reduces the risks of loss or damage of goods. Blockchain ensures data transparency and security, prevents forgery and automates cargo documentation processes, which helps reduce the likelihood of fraud and shorten transaction processing time. Artificial intelligence provides automation and optimization of logistics processes, reducing operational costs and increasing overall efficiency. The use of big data helps to optimize transportation routes, predict risks and make informed decisions about inventory management. Recommendations were developed for the implementation of digital tools in international logistics aimed at increasing the efficiency of logistics operations and ensuring competitive advantages in the world market. However, challenges related to the integration of digital technologies were also assessed, such as high initial costs, the need to ensure cyber security and compatibility of new tools with existing systems. The successful cases of international companies DHL, Maersk and UPS confirm that the correct integration of digital technologies leads to significant improvements in logistics operations, reducing costs, increasing transparency and optimizing logistics processes, which is an important step for increasing the competitiveness and efficiency of companies in a global context.
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