Keywords: territorial community, development program, state support, sales revenue, local governance, strategy, business support tools


The article examines the issue of business support in the territorial communities of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to determine the impact of the war on the activities of Ukrainian business, to identify the main elements of business support at the state and local levels, and to propose a strategy for the development of entrepreneurship in territorial communities of Ukraine. To begin with, we analyzed the general state of Ukrainian business and determined the impact of the war on it. It was found that despite the constant attacks on the territory of Ukraine, the reduction in the number of companies and revenue, domestic business continues to operate. It was determined that due to the martial law in Ukraine, companies' assets were moved to the western territories, which contributed to their development. Analyzing business support at the state level, it was determined that the main support measures include tax holidays, assistance with logistics, lending, product promotion, government orders, simplification of customs procedures, assistance with relocation and exports. With regard to business support at the local level, it was found that Ukrainian territorial and local communities have created various business development programs and provide full support to companies and promote their development. It has been determined that an important support for business at the level of territorial communities is the financing of digital projects related to martial law and helping the Armed Forces in the fight against the enemy. It is determined that business support at the level of territorial communities is a great way to attract business and investment, which will actually contribute to the development of the territorial community itself and improve its amenities. In the final part of the study, we proposed a strategy for business development in territorial communities of Ukraine. The main goal of the strategy is to create favorable conditions for business and territorial communities, since the development of the former is a guarantee of the latter. By investing in business development, a territorial community invests in its own development, and this is the main objective of the strategy we have proposed.


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How to Cite
Trokhymyshyn , S., & Bului , O. (2024). THE INSTRUMENTS OF BUSINESS SUPPORT IN TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Economy and Society, (65).