Keywords: delegation of authority, motivation, innovative development, motivational mechanism, leadership, powers, communications


This study identifies that effective delegation of authority can significantly stimulate the innovative development of an organization. The paper conducts a comprehensive analysis of current delegation models in enterprises, examining their interrelationships and practical applicability in various organizational contexts. The research is grounded in the understanding that selecting an appropriate delegation model aligned with the organization's development level is crucial for fostering innovation. The methodology of the study involves a systematic review of existing literature on delegation models, coupled with a comparative analysis to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each model. Additionally, the research employs a case study approach to assess the practical implementation of these models in real-world organizational settings, providing empirical evidence to support theoretical findings. Based on the analysis, a meta-model is proposed that outlines the key components of the delegation process as a tool for innovation-driven growth. This meta-model systematically maps the relationships between the main factors that contribute to effective empowerment, including aspects of leadership, motivation, employee competencies, and organizational resilience to change. The meta-model provides a framework for understanding the best scenarios for utilizing each delegation tool, offering a structured approach to expanding authority within the organization. The results of the study underscore the importance of tailored delegation strategies that align with an organization's specific needs and developmental stage. The proposed meta-model not only structures the process of authority expansion but also emphasizes its role in promoting innovation within the context of strategic organizational development. The practical value of this article lies in its ability to guide managers and decision-makers in choosing the most suitable delegation model to enhance their organization's innovative capacity and adaptability. By doing so, the study contributes to the broader discourse on effective management practices and innovation management, providing actionable insights for fostering a culture of continuous improvement and strategic growth.


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How to Cite
Holoborodko , H. (2024). DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY AS A TOOL FOR INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (65).