Keywords: control, audit, business entity, legislation, methodology, auditefficiency


The article is devoted to the study of management and audit of business entities in Ukraine. The authors considers the main theoretical, legal, regulatory, methodological and practical aspects of management and auditing. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the effectiveness of the applied control methods, the problems that arise during the audit, and the proposed ways of solving them. The scientific novelty consists in the definition of new approaches to the improvement of the management and audit system in the modern economy of Ukraine. In the conditions of the modern market economy, control and audit of business entities are important tools for ensuring legality and economic security. In Ukraine, control and audit processes are becoming more and more relevant due to the need to increase transparency and responsibility in the activities of enterprises of various forms of ownership. In modern conditions of the market economy, control and audit of business entities is an integral part of ensuring the stability and efficiency of the state economy. In Ukraine, the control and audit system has undergone significant changes over the past decades, but the existing methods and tools do not always meet the challenges faced by modern business. One of the main problems is insufficient effectiveness of control measures, which is often caused by an outdated methodological base, insufficient qualifications of controllers and auditors, as well as limited available resources. This leads to insufficient quality of financial reporting and a high level of economic offenses, which negatively affects the investment climate and the general economic security of the state. An additional problem is the legislative non-regulation of some aspects of control and audit. Despite the existence of normative acts, such as the Law of Ukraine "On the Basic Principles of State Supervision (Control) in the Field of Economic Activity", there are gaps in the legislation that complicate the process of control and create opportunities for abuse and corruption. The discrepancy between modern challenges and the capabilities of existing control systems requires a rethinking of approaches to control and auditing, the introduction of new methods and technologies, as well as the improvement of the legislative framework. Thus, there is a problem of increasing the efficiency and transparency of control and auditing of business entities in Ukraine, which requires scientific research and the development of specific recommendations for its solution.


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How to Cite
Sevidova , I., Susidenko, O., & Pavlenko, N. (2024). CONTROL AND AUDIT OF ACTIVITIES OF BUSINESS ENTITIES IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (65).