Keywords: financial results, accounting and analytical support, management, improvement, analysis, evaluation


The study focuses on improving accounting and analytical support, which plays a key role in improving the efficiency of managing the financial results of enterprises. In today's business environment, especially in the context of global economic instability and growing competition, enterprises face the need to optimize their management processes, which requires the introduction of the latest approaches to accounting and analysis. In this context, the adaptation and development of modern accounting and analysis methods are becoming not only relevant, but also vital for the sustainability and development of enterprises. The modern business environment is characterized by high dynamism, which requires enterprises to respond quickly to changes and make informed management decisions. Accordingly, the improvement of accounting and analytical support is becoming not only a means for accurate accounting of financial results, but also an important tool for strategic planning and management. The effectiveness of financial performance management largely depends on how timely, accurate and complete the information on which decisions are based is. The purpose of the study is to develop specific recommendations for improving accounting and analytical support, which will help to improve the quality of information used to manage the financial results of enterprises. This involves a comprehensive analysis of existing approaches to accounting and analysis of financial results, with an emphasis on identifying problematic aspects that arise in the process of their implementation in practice. The study also proposes ways to solve the identified problems, including both technological and methodological aspects. The results of the study are aimed not only at improving the management of financial results of enterprises, but also at increasing their competitiveness in the market. This, in turn, will allow enterprises to ensure sustainable development in the long term by strengthening their positions in a dynamic and unpredictable business environment.


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