The article examines a social component of tourism industry entities' sustainable development and competitive potential. The study aims to analyze the dynamics of the social component development, as one of the basic criteria for the sustainability of the competitive potential of the tourism industry subjects. The main task of the research is to analyze and evaluate the dynamics of social component indicators. The social component of the transformation of the competitive potential of the tourism industry subjects includes the level of the population employment in the tourism sector, the average monthly salary in the hospitality industry, the number of children's health and recreation facilities, the number of places in these facilities, the capacity of collective means of accommodation, and the total number of people, who stayed in the establishments of collective accommodation. The employment of the population in the tourism sphere of Ukraine is analyzed. The study has revealed that wages in the hospitality industry can vary significantly depending on the type of activity, the employee's qualification, the place of work, and other factors. Special attention is paid to children's health and recreation facilities. The focus is on the dynamics of the number of children who stayed in children's rehabilitation and recreation facilities in 2016 and 2021. The analysis of the number of collective means of accommodation gives a general idea of the tourism industry scale in Ukraine. The dynamics of the total number of people in collective means of accommodation from 2016 to 2021 is characterized. The dynamics of the total number of foreign persons and the number of residents of Ukraine who stayed in collective means of accommodation are analyzed. An integral index of the social component of sustainable development of tourism industry entities has been calculated, considering a wide range of indicators that reflect the impact of transformation on various population groups and aspects of social life. The study findings argue that the social component is an important tool for achieving sustainable development of the tourism industry. The high level of this component not only contributes to economic growth, but also improves the quality of life of the local population, preserves cultural heritage, and creates a positive image of the region.
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